gamale me ropana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Making the pot two handles) 2. Part of a rounded dict pot, a pot that connects to the bottom wall 3. Then the sun reached the dining room, he touched the entrance to the kitchen, he entered it landed on the geraniums in their clay pot (ROY, Happiness occas I'm 4. Upon their return to Iolcos Medea to avenge Jason, Pelias murdered by persuading his daughters to the boil in a pot on the pretext of rejuvenating 5. ); b) 1723 "small stuff that is manufactured in Flanders" (Savary); c) 1851 'clay pot used as heater "(LAND

Given are the examples of hindi word gamale me ropana usage in english sentences. The examples of gamale me ropana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., pot.

One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water giving it a delicious flavour.

The earthen pot which contained Chandni's breakfast fell from his hands and broke into a thousand pieces.
Now leave the pot which was earlier kept in the dark, in the sunlight for 3 – 4 days and perform the iodine test again on its leaves.
Immediately he put the porridge pot on the fire and gave him supper; then he carved off such a big slice from his tobacco roll that it was enough both for the stranger's pipe and his own.

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